🇬🇧 Flying with a dog is not a joke. I’ve heard comments from dog owners that they would not dare or do not want to do this to themselves and the dog. However, with a life between two countries and a passion for travel, I know from the beginning that Djore will be a traveling dog. As a frequent traveler, I already have a flight routine, but traveling with an animal is a whole new level of the game, which requires proper planing and preparation. Here is how I prepared for my first flight with a puppy in five steps.
1. Checking airlines rules
Most airlines in Europe allow traveling with a dog up to 8 kg. in the cabine, however the requirements may vary. Low-budget airlines like Wizz Air are an exception. My first flight to Switzerland was with Bulgaria Air and I am very pleased. With the exception of the non-standard dimensions of the transport bag, everything went smoothly during the trip and cabine cure was extremely liberal.
2. Booking in advance
Buying a ticket online usually does not allow to add a dog and you should contact the airline separately. Don’t leave this at the last minute, because the application is subject to approval by the airline (sometimes there is a limit on the number of animals in the cabin). Before the trip, I checked the airline's requirements, including those for the travel bag (dimensions, whether it should be a cage or a soft bag). In most cases, a fee is paid.
3. Bag training
I’ve purchase my travel bag well in advance and start getting Djore used to being in the space. Choosing the right travel bag and training Djore to get in and stay in it were probably the biggest challenges of the whole adventure. I left food inside, we walked home and took a few car rides. The idea is for the dog to get used to the bag and to think of it as a safe and comfortable place. It takes time and a lot of patience.
4. Talking to a Vet
Weeks before the trip, I checked with our veterinarian what is required for a flight. It turned out that just before the flight we had to visit him for deworming and note in the passport that the dog is healthy and can travel. Also check the requirements of the destination country for vaccines (Switzerland, for example, requires a rabies vaccine). I asked my Vet about sedatives. It is generally not recommended because it can prevent the dog from naturally regulating its body temperature when changing the pressure during the flight. The Vet gave me herbal drops based on chamomile and valerian, but I didn't use them. Djore was the most anxious during takeoff, but the rest of the time we managed to do without sedatives for her. However, I took mint, hawthorn and valerian to maintain proper self-confidence as an Alpha;)
5. Checking requirements of Switzerland
You probably guessed that in the country of law and order there are many requirements for dogs - rabies vaccine, declaring the dog on landing (plus payment of customers duty), deadline for registration in the municipality and the Vet, insurance, etc. Also check for restrictions on some breeds (usually more aggressive dogs). In Switzerland, for example, it is forbidden to cut off the ears and tails of dogs, and if you have one, you may have difficulty entering the country.
As we say when doing business- proper planning prevent pure performance:) With all this preparation the trip went well and we are ready for the next one :)
🇧🇬 Да летиш с куче не е шега работа. Чувала съм коментари от хора с кучета, че не биха се решили или не искат да го причиняват на себе си и на кучето. С живот между две държави и страст към пътешествията обаче, аз от самото начало знаех, че Джорето ще бъде куче-пътешественик. Пътувам много и вече си имам рутина с полетите, но да пътуваш с животинче е съвсем ново ниво на играта, за което се изисква сериозна подготовка. Ето как се подготвих аз в пет стъпки.
И както казваме в бизнеса- доброто планиране предотвратява лошото изпълнение. С цялата тази подготовка пътуването мина добре и сме готови за следващото:)
Автор: Елица Лозанова I Снимки eLights photography I Публикувано в Life Tasting Blog
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